Unlawful Imprisonment Page 3
“With what?”
“Your investigation.”
“Are you new on the force?”
“No, why?” Officer Myles stopped writing and slowly looked up at him.
“Because how am I supposed to conduct an investigation without any information from your initial report?” He was beginning to lose his temper.
“Oh, of course. I…uh, I’m sorry. It’s just that this is the worst crime scene I’ve ever been to.”
“How long have you been a cop?”
“Two years.”
“Don’t worry, it gets worse.”
“I don’t see how.”
“What happened?”
“Kylie Sanders, a twenty five year old white female was reported missing from Millers County one monthago. They found her this morning.”
“Who found her?”
“Officers Hoag and Donaldson.”
“How did they just happen to find her?” Frank asked slow and sarcastically, but Myles didn’t catch on to the sarcasm.
“That’s the incredible part. This was found at the police station.” He handed Detective Riser the evidence bag. It was a picture of Kylie lying in the hole she was found in. She was alive in the picture. The look on her face was one of complete terror. On the back of the picture were directions to the sight.
“Jesus Christ.” Frank felt his stomach turn. “I told you it was bad.”
“I don’t think bad describes this.”
While Frank was making his way towards the young woman’s body all eyes were fixated on her grave. He had never seen anything like it. This was not some hole that was dug in an hour. This took time and energy. It was square with dimensions of five by seven. There was a box constructed to the shape of the hole and a top to cover it and keep the dirt out. There was also a supply of bottled water. As Frank got closer the smell of urine was overwhelming. Her naked body was lying face up in the center. She was posed as if she were laying in a casket. Frank began taking pictures of his own. That was all he had. There were no pieces of clothing, no footprints leading to or from the grave and nothing unusual about the woods surrounding him. The Medical Examiner had pronounced the girl dead and her body was ready to be taken away for the autopsy. The only thing Frank would have to go on was the missing person report and the autopsy results. He began dusting for prints from the box, but he knew he wasn’t going to come up with anything. Undressed wood didn’t hold fingerprints, but he had to try. The other officers were canvassing the rest of the area for foot prints and any kind of evidence. Frank spoke briefly with the Medical Examiner.
“Excuse me, Dr. Baxton?”
“Hello Detective Riser, we meet again.” “Not under the best of circumstances.”
Frank knew that Dr. Baxton was the best. If anybody could go to court and testify against a defendant with medical testimony, it was Robert Baxton. He testified for a total of thirty homicide cases and each time the defendant was found guilty. He used to work in forensics. Baxton was in his late forties and brilliant at his work. He worked for the respect that he held by all the detectives. He was the only black person in his neighborhood to go to college. Baxton paid his own way through school and he knew his business.
“Never seen anything like this before have you Frank?”
“No, I thought I had seen it all.”
“Take it from me, just when you think you’ve seen the worst, something comes along to top it.”
“I guess you’re right, but I hope I never see anything to top this.” Frank couldn’t take his eyes off Kylie’s grave. “Listen, is tomorrow afternoon good?” “Yes, I’m heading back to the hospital now. I’ll call you when my report is done.” Dr. Baxton was kneeling next to the body. “She has fixed lividity, cloudy corneas and her blood is already settled.”
“I love it when you sound so technical.” “She’s been dead for about eight hours.” “Got it. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Eat something, will you please?”
“I am, I am.” Robert Baxton was one of those annoying people who could eat all day and not gain an ounce. He was the thinnest man Frank had ever seen, but since he was short, he wasn’t awkward.
As he walked away to talk with the other officers, he couldn’t imagine a person who could do this to another human being. He saw the news vans coming down the dirt road and the police immediately ran over to keep them away from the scene. Frank knew this case was going to be big news, but he didn’t want the public to see a man made grave with the body of a young woman lying in it. Although he wanted women aware of people like this guy, he didn’t want a panic on his hands. This case was going to be difficult enough.
For once Andrea would like to go home without having to make any visits, but David lived only twenty minutes away from her apartment. For a parole officer that was sometimes a good thing because they didn’t have to travel all over the county checking up on people. On the other hand, one never knows about the parolees well enough. A few years ago one of the female officers ran into a problem with a parolee who lived close by. Apparently, he was walking past the officer’s house after work, just watching. It wasn’t past his curfew and he hadn’t violated any conditions, so there was nothing the officer could do about it. It was a very uneasy feeling, knowing that the person you’re supervising knows where you live and walks by an hour a day.
Andrea arrived at his house in Midwood at nine o’clock that evening. She wondered if he was even there. She walked up the steps, rang the doorbell and an older woman answered the door.
“Hello ma’am, is David Reese in? I’m his parole officer.”
“You?” Louise looked surprised, as her son did. “Yes ma’am, my name is Andrea Stephenson.” “Come in, although it is rather late.”
“Thank you.” Now she knew where David inherited his snappy comebacks from. His mother looked ten years older than she was. Her makeup was caked on and she wore too much jewelry. David was on the couch, staring into space.
“Hello David. Are you getting settled in?” “Yeah. It’s going to be strange having a room to myself after five years.”
“Well, make sure you get some sleep, you start work tomorrow.”
“Yes, here’s the address. It’s within walking distance.”
“Do these people know about me?”
“The boss does seeing as we set it up for you.” “So my new boss thinks I’m a rapist. How nice.” He said as he let the paper fall to the floor.
“Look it’s either this or prison. Besides, your boss is the only one whoknows about your time in prison.” “I know that. It just seems a little unfair that I should have to…”
“Have to what? You were in prison for sadistic rape. What did you expect?”
“Hey look I didn’t rape that bitch.”
There was a long silence. Andrea did not want to get into this conversation. “Is your family aware of your conditions?”
“Yes, he showed me his papers.” His mother was protecting him as if he were five years old.
“Very well then. Good luck tomorrow.”
“Will you be there at all?”
“Possibly. I could also be at your doorstep at 5:25 to make sure you are not in a bar for an after work drink.” “Wonderful.”
“I know this isn’t your dream job but it will put cash in your pocket and it will help you feel normal again. Eventually, if you do a good job and stick to your conditions you will never have to see me again.”
“Don’t worry he will do what he is supposed to do, even though it’s that girl who started all this.”
“Ma, please don’t start.”
“What? You should have a new trial. Your brother knew that lawyer was useless.”
“Mrs. Reese it’s not going to do you or David any good to go back over the entire trial.” Louise gave her a frightening stare. “David call me if you need anything.” Most of the mothers of her parolees stood by their sons when rape
came into play or anything for that matter. Andrea could only imagine what it must have been like growing up there as a child. Their house was beautiful and immaculate. The thing that bothered her was all the furniture in plastic coverings, she always hated that. By the time she reached her apartment, the visit was out of her mind.
Frank Riser arrived at the morgue the day after Kylie Sanders was found. He had been in the autopsy room before, but this time was more eerie. As soon as he saw her body on the table, his ulcer started acting up. “Hey there doc.”
“Hi Frank.” Dr. Baxton didn’t take his eyes off Kylie’s body. He looked like he was in shock. Everyone involved in this case had their work cut out for them. “What’s wrong, are you feeling alright?” “I just feel terrible for what this young lady has been through. It’s nauseating”
“I take it you have some information for me?” “Oh, yeah, but not the kind you want.”
“What do you mean?”
“I can’t tell you where to start your investigation. There is no skin or hair under her fingernails. Usually, a victim of a sex crime will have those under her fingernails indicating a struggle. She was sexually assaulted numerous times…”
“Then there should be sperm and blood…” “No, no. She was raped with some type of instrument, like a pole or a stick.”
“Wait, I’m not through yet.” The only sound Frank could hear were Dr. Baxton’s footsteps echoing as he walked around the table. Frank could practically see the fear on Kylie’s face as if she had just died an hour ago. “Her throat is swollen.”
“Anything in it?”
“No, but there are also the bruises on her neck but there’s no finger imprint. The bruises go around her entire neck, probably from a strap.”
“So she was strangled.”
“I’m not sure yet. I’m waiting to hear from toxicology to see if there are any drugs or poisons in her system.”
“But the bruises would indicate…”
“That doesn’t necessarily mean she was strangled. He could have choked her until she passed out. He was smart enough not to use his hands and leave an imprint.”
“Great, a smart killer. What about the swollen throat?”
“Well, there was no significant weight loss between the time she was reported missing and yesterday when she was found. He most likely forced her to eat, which would cause the swelling.”
“So she was definitely fed all this time?” “Yes. If it was poison, he could have put it in food thinking she would eat it. If she refused, maybe he forced her.”
“But you don’t think that’s how she died, do you?” Dr. Baxton took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. “Alright. You want my opinion?”
“You’ve been in this business longer than I have.” “You’re looking for an extremely sick person. He sexually assaulted her, probably choked her repeatedly and gave her a supply of food and water. As far as her oxygen supply, the only thing I could think of is he had to have some kind of oxygen mask in there with her. Was anything like that found at the scene?”
“It doesn’t make any sense.”
“Maybe it does. He took it with him because he will need it again the next time. Call me when you get the toxicology report.”
“Will do.”
This was the first time in Frank’s ten years as a detective that he didn’t have an absolute cause of death. He had no idea where to begin. Sometimes he wished he went into the private investigation business with his friend Tony. They knew each other since they were kids. Frank’s mother and father were raging alcoholics who took pleasure in beating their only child every other day. One day when Tony was eight years old he was playing stickball and came across Frank lying in an alley covered in bruises. He told his mother about what he saw and she took him in. Frank was one of the family ever since. They were as closeas two brothers could possibly be. Tony’s mother died when he was twenty, and as far as Frank was concerned he lost his mother as well. Frank’s mother had contacted him after she learned of Tony’s mother’s death but Frank would have nothing to do with her. Three years later, both his father and mother were in a car accident. His father was driving drunk and they killed a ten-year-old girl, as well as themselves.
Frank would occasionally help Tony out on some of his cases, getting him profiles and addresses from the police station. He wished Tony could help him on this case, but he knew that was impossible, considering he didn’t have anything to go on. Frank went back to his apartment to work on the case. Although he didn’t have much to work with, one thing was certain- this guy is a complete sociopath. He wanted her alive for a certain amount of time. There was never a ransom demand and according to the report by the family and friends she had no enemies. Then he sends directions to the police station of where to find her. This wasn’t over. Whoever was responsible planned this from beginning to end. Frank knew that as he was working on the case, this animal was probably already plotting his next crime, and picking out his next victim.
He didn’t think it was going to feel that good. Sending the police Kylie’s photograph made him feel all powerful. He had researched this for years, fantasizing about every detail. What he would say, how they would act and how long he wouldkeep them. He couldn’t wait until the next one. The most important thing to him was to be original. Sending the photograph was going to be remembered forever.
Two days had passed and Andrea had no contact with Reese except for one phone call. There just wasn’t enough time. Trying to juggle this job and her relationship with Tony Santoro, the private investigator was not an easy task. She loved Tony very deeply. No man has ever treated her with the respect he did. He was also gorgeous. Tony stood at 6’2 with a fantastic build, deep brown eyes and short brown hair. Some woman once mistook him for a model when they went out and asked for an autograph. Instead of walking away, he actually signed it. That night while they were out, for some reason all they talked about was David. “Please do me a favor.”
“What?” Andrea asked as if she didn’t know what Tony was talking about.
“Don’t let yourself get emotionally involved with these people.” Tony hated it when Andrea talked about work when they were out. He especially despised knowing that she worked with Michael. Whenever he went to Andrea’s office, Tony always flashed Michael a dirty look. He knew about the affair.
“I’m not. I’m simply saying that there is something about this case that doesn’t make sense.”
Tony let out a huge sigh hinting that he was annoyed with the conversation. “Like what?”
“The fact that five people at the bar testified that she seemed to go with him willingly and he didn’t look at all suspicious. She had at least ten lovers in a two-month period but it was not admissible, plus he called her a cab. Doesn’t all this seem a little odd to you?”
“No. Who the hell knows why these scumbags do what they do? As for her being promiscuous, there are shield laws for rape victims, you know that. They cannot be questioned about their sexual history unless it is found to be relevant to the case. The fact that she was raped seems reasonable that her sex life was immaterial. He probably gave her something to make her pass out and she doesn’t remember. There are a lot of drugs out there that aren’t traceable. The point is that you are there to see that they don’t do it again and to try and re-integrate them into society. Although I don’t know why they are let out.” “How can I help them unless I know exactly who I’m dealing with? Am I dealing with someone who is unmistakably guilty or someone who was framed or just got all the stacks set up against him and was found guilty.” “That’s not your concern. Leave that to the detectives and the lawyers. Besides, she had marks all over her back.”
“I know, you’re right. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to spoil the night.”
“You didn’t.” Although they did have a nice dinner, Andrea still couldn’t get this case off her mind, until they went back to her apartment.
�s apartment was pretty big. It had one bedroom, a full kitchen, bath and living room. She had spent weeks decorating it. All the walls were white with navy blue trim and a navy blue carpet that she put in herself. She had always wanted to be on her own since her mother’s death. Even if her father gave her a hand out, which he didn’t, she wouldn’t have accepted. They never had a good relationship. She was sent to live with him after her mother’s death. They had never married and she only saw him once a year before she was sent to him. But now, if he were alive, she would like to think he would be proud of her.
Andrea went into the kitchen to get a drink and Tony came up behind her and started kissing her neck. “Well, well.” Tony picked her up over his shoulder and took her into the bedroom. He took off her shoes and slipped her pants off. She took off her blouse while he was undressing. He ran his fingers along the back of her knees while he kissed her thighs. She reached for his face and he kissed each of her fingers. Tony never rushed. He was always very slow when it came to sex. Andrea loved that about him.
“Come on.” He led her to the shower and they went in together. She kept her eyes closed to avoid the water. Tony lathered his hands with soap and started washing her from head to toe. She was having a hard time holding herself up. Tony stood up and kissed her, and then she washed him. Tony grabbed a towel and dried her off first. “Go lie down.” He followed her to the bed and led her face down.
“Relax.” His whispers in her ear made her quiver. Tony kissed her neck while his hand massaged her back. Andrea felt like she was on a high when he turned her over. He put on his condom and looked at her. “Maybe one day we won’t need these.”
“Maybe.” She smiled. She wrapped her arms around him and took him into her. Andrea and Tony couldn’t get enough of each other.
It was a pretty routine day in the parole department until one woman stormed into the office.
All eyes immediately looked up once they heard Brandon’s name. John Healy ran from his office. The woman was gorgeous with long blond hair. She was obviously covered in makeup and her shirt was too tight to hold in her thirty-eight D chest.